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2040 Community Plan - 4 year review

The 2040 Community Plan and Vision was developed in consultation with 88 community members, across four Community Reference Groups, using feedback from over 1,600 community members, business owners and local organisations who participated in the wider consultation program.

Council is required to review the document every fours years following an election. As part of the Council Plan 2025-2029 development we are reviewing the Vision and Priorities under each of the themes to ensure they remain relevant and in line with community aspirations and national trends. The updated Community Vision will then be integrated with the Council Plan 2025-2029 and Health and Wellbeing Plan. 

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The 2040 Community Plan and Vision lists six themes

  • Our Natural Environment
  • Our Industry, Education and Employment
  • Our Health and Wellbeing
  • Our Access, Transport and Technology
  • Our Lifestyle, Neighbourhoods and Culture
  • Our Voice and Action

Take a look at each theme and the vision and priorities identified in relation to each one.  

We want to know if you think these are still relevant four years later?

Should these priorities be continued for the next four years?

Are there any you would change?

Are there any others to consider?