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Join the Conversation and help Shape Glenelg!
Council is developing the next Council Plan with integrated Health and Wellbeing Plan and Community Vision.
Extensive engagement will be taking place in the first half of 2025. Your voice will inform the development of not only our new Council Plan with Health and Wellbeing Plan and Community Vision, but also some of Council's other long term plans such as the Asset Plan, 10 Year Financial Plan and Rate and Revenue Plan. This will streamline and strengthen the connection between them and ensure that future decision making is guided by you...our Community.
Working with community and partners is an essential part of developing our plans, to help guide us through the next four years (2025-2029).
We will be out and about throughout February and March with a range of ways for community to join the conversation, share what you value most and help Shape Glenelg.
Online Survey
An online survey will be live from 14 February to 16 March. Hard copy surveys will be available at any of the Community Conversation and Drop In sessions, and from Council Customer Service locations across the Shire.
Community Conversations
We will be hitting the road and coming to a location near you! For a full list of dates and locations to chat to Council staff and Councillors face to face with Councillors and staff click here
Drop In Session
If you'd prefer to talk with staff in a quieter setting, or maybe you need some help to access the survey, then come along to a drop in session. These will take place across the Shire for an extended length of time for community to stopin and have a chat with a staff member.
We understand that not everyone has time to spare, but we want you to Have Your Say. The Postcards are quick tick box survey that you can complete while on the run and will be available at locations you frequent across the Shire including general stores, cafes, service providers and customer service.
Join the Conversation and help Shape Glenelg!
Council is developing the next Council Plan with integrated Health and Wellbeing Plan and Community Vision.
Extensive engagement will be taking place in the first half of 2025. Your voice will inform the development of not only our new Council Plan with Health and Wellbeing Plan and Community Vision, but also some of Council's other long term plans such as the Asset Plan, 10 Year Financial Plan and Rate and Revenue Plan. This will streamline and strengthen the connection between them and ensure that future decision making is guided by you...our Community.
Working with community and partners is an essential part of developing our plans, to help guide us through the next four years (2025-2029).
We will be out and about throughout February and March with a range of ways for community to join the conversation, share what you value most and help Shape Glenelg.
Online Survey
An online survey will be live from 14 February to 16 March. Hard copy surveys will be available at any of the Community Conversation and Drop In sessions, and from Council Customer Service locations across the Shire.
Community Conversations
We will be hitting the road and coming to a location near you! For a full list of dates and locations to chat to Council staff and Councillors face to face with Councillors and staff click here
Drop In Session
If you'd prefer to talk with staff in a quieter setting, or maybe you need some help to access the survey, then come along to a drop in session. These will take place across the Shire for an extended length of time for community to stopin and have a chat with a staff member.
We understand that not everyone has time to spare, but we want you to Have Your Say. The Postcards are quick tick box survey that you can complete while on the run and will be available at locations you frequent across the Shire including general stores, cafes, service providers and customer service.
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The 2040 Community Plan and Vision was developed in consultation with 88 community members, across four Community Reference Groups, using feedback from over 1,600 community members, business owners and local organisations who participated in the wider consultation program.
Council is required to review the document every fours years following an election. As part of the Council Plan 2025-2029 development we are reviewing the Vision and Priorities under each of the themes to ensure they remain relevant and in line with community aspirations and national trends. The updated Community Vision will then be integrated with the Council Plan 2025-2029 and Health and Wellbeing Plan.
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Shaping Glenelg - Council Plan 2025 - 2029 has finished this stage
We will be working on preparation for community engagement, this includes the development of an Engagement and Communication Plan and engagement materials.
Endorsement of Engagement and Communication Plan
Shaping Glenelg - Council Plan 2025 - 2029 has finished this stage
The Engagement and Communication Plan will be presented at the 28 January Council meeting for endorsement to proceed and commence engagement.
Engagement Period Round 1
Shaping Glenelg - Council Plan 2025 - 2029 is currently at this stage
From 30 January to the 16 March we will be undertaking extensive Engagement across communities in the Shire. This includes partner and stakeholder sessions, community focus group, postcard surveys, digital surveys and community Conversations and Drop in sessions.
Collating Data and preparing outcomes report
this is an upcoming stage for Shaping Glenelg - Council Plan 2025 - 2029
We will be collating what we heard to develop an outcomes and recommendations report.
Engagement Round 2
this is an upcoming stage for Shaping Glenelg - Council Plan 2025 - 2029
We will take the outcomes report back to our stakeholders and partners for review.
Development of Draft Plans
this is an upcoming stage for Shaping Glenelg - Council Plan 2025 - 2029
We are busy preparing the draft Plan using what we heard throughout the engagement period.
Endorsement of Public Exhibition period
this is an upcoming stage for Shaping Glenelg - Council Plan 2025 - 2029
The draft Plan will be presented at the July Council meeting to endorse a period of public exhibition.
Engagement Round 3
this is an upcoming stage for Shaping Glenelg - Council Plan 2025 - 2029
The draft plan will be shared with the community and we will seek your feedback.
Endorsement of Council Plan with Integrated Health and Wellbeing Plan
this is an upcoming stage for Shaping Glenelg - Council Plan 2025 - 2029
Following the period of Public Exhibition we will review any feedback. The final draft will be presented at the September Council Meeting for endorsement.