Why has the location of the facility changed?

    As part of the Foreshore Master Plan, the Community Pavilion, previously called the Multipurpose Facility, was to be located where the amenities have been built near the new Town Jetty. Following investigation, this original location was found to be unsuitable for the Community Pavilion due to inground infrastructure and the requirements for the facility e.g., parking. It was, however, suitable for the much-needed amenities that are now in place.

    As part of the project works for the Community Pavilion, concepts for the exterior design of the building and possible locations were provided for community consultation. Consultation resulted in Location 1, south of the car park, as the preferred option, receiving only a slightly higher preference to Location 3. Location 3 is now the preferred location of the landowner due to the benefit of future proofing the building against sea level rise and inundation risk.

    Please see the sea level modelling diagram under ‘Photos’ showing Location 1 as a high-risk zone for water inundation by year 2100. 

    What has changed?

    Design changes have had to be made to ensure the building will fit within the new location, resulting in the following outcomes:

    • The pavilion will be protected from sea level rise and inundation (please see the sea level modelling diagram under ‘Photos’). It also has an existing rock wall for protection.
    • The location chosen is already disturbed ground so there will be a reduced impact on our beautiful foreshore whilst providing a facility that all of the community can enjoy.
    • The existing car park, barbecues, play area and recently installed connecting pathways will remain. The pathway will be extended to incorporate the pavilion and the car park. 
    • We have retained the wonderful views from the community facilities on the First Floor. These facilities will be available to all the community for hire.
    • We will be able to utilise funding provided by the Victorian Government to provide a facility that can be used by the community. 
    • We have retained space within the pavilion as previously agreed to be the main areas for the Portland Yacht Club and the Portland Sport Fishing Club.

    Who is funding the Portland Foreshore Community Pavilion?

    Council applied and were successful in receiving $5 million in funding from the State Government for this project. This, in addition to $1.2 million from Council, will be utilised to complete the design and construction of the facility. 

    As the state funding is specifically allocated to this project, should the project not proceed for any reason, the remaining funding would be returned to the State Government to be re-allocated. It is unlikely that it would be re-allocated to the Glenelg Shire. 

    Why aren’t we spending the money elsewhere in the community?

    Council continues to invest in projects across the Shire and actively seeks funding for priority projects identified within the Council Plan. The Community Pavilion was the priority project that met criteria for this funding. 

    Each funding stream released by both State and Federal Governments are assessed and granted under an executed funding agreement. These projects require a detailed application and must undergo a rigorous assessment process to ensure they meet the criteria and delivery outcomes. 

    This funding cannot simply be transferred to other projects and Council is strictly bound to meet the funding terms and conditions.

    What are the benefits of a new community pavilion?

    The many community benefits to a community pavilion in this location include:

    • Provides a state-of-the-art facility for every community member, club and community organisation to enjoy. 
    • It has one of the best vistas across Portland Bay, making it the perfect location for events and functions.
    • It is conveniently located for community members who already make use of our wonderful connecting pathways for their recreation and exercise. 
    • It fits over an existing building footprint and removes two older buildings from the foreshore. As part of removing the existing buildings, these works will open up the Bentinck Street side of the foreshore lawn area allowing more space for the many activities that utilise this area e.g., festivals, the carnival and markets.
    • It makes use of the $5 million in funding allocated by the State Government.
    • The barbecues, playground and existing connecting footpaths will be retained.
    • Provides access to amenities and function spaces for those using the foreshore.
    • Tourists will be drawn to the facility via Lee Breakwater Road, whilst using Portland Cable Trams, and when entering the harbour on cruise ships.

    Will parking be available?

    Yes. The existing car park will be line marked to maximise use and all-abilities access will be provided from the car park to the facility. 

    There is also informal parking available on the west side of Lee Breakwater Road opposite the facility and this can be safely accessed via the connecting pathways and recently installed road crossing.

    What will it look like on the inside?

    The interior design of the building follows extensive consultation with key stakeholders. The new building will contain permanent rooms for the Portland Yacht Club, along with areas the whole community can access and use – including function, meeting and events areas, a café, and a fresh seafood market.

    What are the cultural and built heritage considerations?

    Extensive cultural heritage investigation has been undertaken and there has been ongoing consultation throughout the planning of this project. 

    Council has been working closely with Traditional Owners on all aspects of the Portland Foreshore Master Plan and cultural and heritage concerns are a key consideration. 

    Other heritage considerations are also informing the development of this facility and are key in getting planning permission for building.

    How will the community be able to access and utilise the facility?

    Council will maintain the leasing of club and retail spaces on the ground floor as well as the hiring of the first-floor community facilities to the community and clubs. This will ensure an equitable process for all.

     Hiring of the first-floor facilities, which have been designed to be flexible spaces i.e., you can utilise a meeting room (shown as Multipurpose 2) or function space (Multipurpose 1) or can open up the operable wall to combine these spaces to accommodate larger functions, will be managed by Council. It is expected that the hiring process will be the same or similar to that currently used for other Council facilities such as the Drill Hall and will be on a ‘first come first served’ basis. We feel this is an equitable process that provides access to an amazing location and space for those special occasions of any size.

     The funds from the leasing and hiring of these spaces will be utilised to provide the maintenance and upkeep of the facility.