Ceremonial Dance Space Portland Foreshore

Glenelg Shire Council has been successful in securing a grant from the State Government Regional Infrastructure Fund for the design and implementation of a Traditional Owner Dance and Ceremony Space.
This Ceremonial Dance Space, designed in consultation with local Traditional Aboriginal Dance Group Koondoom Yarkeen Karweeyn, with support from Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (GMTOAC), Winda Mara Aboriginal Corporation (WMAC) and Dhauwurrd Wurrung Elderly and Community Services (DWECH), will provide opportunities for community workshops and ceremonies, and aid in fostering a greater understanding of cultural heritage and reconciliation.
The design of the space has drawn from both Gunditjmara culture and the natural coastal elements that the space sits within. This space intends to honour both in its completion and will be available for use by the whole community. For more information, please refer to the FAQs and documents.
For more information, please refer to the FAQs and documents.