Portland Foreshore Pathway Lighting

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Glenelg Shire Council has been successful in securing a grant from the State Governments Regional Infrastructure Fund for further Foreshore improvements, with funding allocated for the lighting of the newly finished walking path. This will see lighting along the 1.3km stretch of connecting pathways from All-abilities play space through to Nuns Beach. The installation of lighting will enable greater use of the Foreshore, and, coupled with the newly installed connecting pedestrian paths, will allow for passive recreation at night and in the early morning. Sunrises along the Portland Foreshore are particularly spectacular, and residents will now be able to enjoy

Glenelg Shire Council has been successful in securing a grant from the State Governments Regional Infrastructure Fund for further Foreshore improvements, with funding allocated for the lighting of the newly finished walking path. This will see lighting along the 1.3km stretch of connecting pathways from All-abilities play space through to Nuns Beach. The installation of lighting will enable greater use of the Foreshore, and, coupled with the newly installed connecting pedestrian paths, will allow for passive recreation at night and in the early morning. Sunrises along the Portland Foreshore are particularly spectacular, and residents will now be able to enjoy these views more often and more safely.

The grant is the latest in the multi-million funding windfall for the foreshore, which has seen the creation of new connecting pathways, a new Town Jetty, a Marina extension, over-water boardwalks and a soon to be constructed multi-use facility.

For further information on the Regional Infrastructure Fund, please visit the Region Development Victoria website.

Materials have been sourced and delivered. Marine and Coastal Act consent has been approved. The contract for installation has been awarded to Day’s Electrical Contracting with works to proceed mid-April (weather permitting). During construction parts of the footpath may be closed off or have restricted access.

Below is a sample of the lighting design layout.