important revetment works;
the extension of the existing rock wall to protect the Foreshore from future erosion;
the creation of a new bespoke viewing platform;
pedestrian linkages;
connection boardwalks;
and installation of accessibility ramps.
What works were completed in Stage 1?
When will the toilets be upgraded?
Yes. The toilets will be upgraded! These works form part of Stage 3, with design expected to commence in 2023.
Why are the beach works required at Bridgewater Bay?
The foreshore area is vulnerable to coastal erosion and flooding. Storms and king tides over the years have historically been severe enough to warrant the construction of a sea wall to manage land use, which includes road, car park, surf club, café, water management works and dunes.
An engineered seawall is necessary prior to investing substantial funds into renewed foreshore amenities. The seawall will be able to resist future storms and will be able to perform for decades to come with the right maintenance regime.
How long is the seawall?
The seawall alignment is approximately 410m and follows the existing seawall. The seawall will provide erosion protection locally. The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning authorised this alignment.
Can the seawall erode the beach?
Predominantly, along the Australian coastline localised coastal erosion is followed by the construction of a seawall. Seawall are not built where erosion is not occurring. Erosion has been occurring from time to time at Bridgewater Bay and even if the beach is currently looking full of sand this has been changing over the years.
The Dutton Way seawall illustrate this fact. The seawall at Dutton Way followed years of coastal erosion along that stretch of coast.
Why is erosion happening at Dutton Way?
Along Glenelg Shire Council’s exposed coastline alongshore sand flows from East to West, In Portland the flow of alongshore sand transport is typically 50,000m3 per year. The coastal erosion at Dutton Way is associated with the interruption of alongshore sand transport across the Portland harbour breakwaters.