Traffic Management and Safety Works - Percy Street, Portland

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Community consultation for Proposed Safety Initiatives for Percy St Portland Between Tyers street and Wade Street has now concluded.  This project has been completed.

Glenelg Shire Council has been successful in securing almost $1 million to undertake works along Percy Street, between Tyers and Wade Streets as part of the Department of Transports $20 million ‘Regional Victoria Safe Travel in Local Streets’ (STiLS) program that aims to create safer roads and reduce road trauma in regional communities across Victoria.

As part of the program, Glenelg Shire Council will upgrade intersections along Percy Street between Tyers and Wade Streets in Portland, including:

  • Lighting upgrades between Tyers and Wade Streets
  • A raised median between Tyers and Fern Streets
  • A safer speed limit of 50 km/h between Otway and Fern Streets
  • Single lane line marking between Fern and Wade Streets.
  • Angle parking and accessible parking where required

The works build upon the community consultation undertaken late last year to address road safety. The valuable feedback received in these sessions and from the ‘Your Say Glenelg’ website, has been considered in the development of the final design plans for this project.

Work Continues

This project is now underway. Traffic lanes and parking arrangements may be impacted in the general vicinity of the works, we ask you to follow the insitu signage and traffic management instructions and you may at times need to allow extra travel time. The contractor GR Carr Pty Ltd will be working to minimise any inconvenience and delays during the construction period. Works are expected to be delivered by 30 June 2021.

Glenelg Shire Council has been successful in securing almost $1 million to undertake works along Percy Street, between Tyers and Wade Streets as part of the Department of Transports $20 million ‘Regional Victoria Safe Travel in Local Streets’ (STiLS) program that aims to create safer roads and reduce road trauma in regional communities across Victoria.

As part of the program, Glenelg Shire Council will upgrade intersections along Percy Street between Tyers and Wade Streets in Portland, including:

  • Lighting upgrades between Tyers and Wade Streets
  • A raised median between Tyers and Fern Streets
  • A safer speed limit of 50 km/h between Otway and Fern Streets
  • Single lane line marking between Fern and Wade Streets.
  • Angle parking and accessible parking where required

The works build upon the community consultation undertaken late last year to address road safety. The valuable feedback received in these sessions and from the ‘Your Say Glenelg’ website, has been considered in the development of the final design plans for this project.

Work Continues

This project is now underway. Traffic lanes and parking arrangements may be impacted in the general vicinity of the works, we ask you to follow the insitu signage and traffic management instructions and you may at times need to allow extra travel time. The contractor GR Carr Pty Ltd will be working to minimise any inconvenience and delays during the construction period. Works are expected to be delivered by 30 June 2021.