Why do we need a Foreshore Master Plan?

    Many of the foreshore components are dated and in need of improvement or refurbishment. There are no pathways connecting areas of the foreshore.  This creates accessibility issues and the playground areas are in need of upgrade or replacement.

    What areas of the Foreshore will the concept plan cover?

    The Concept plan takes into account the area from the Youth Activity Space through to the steps at Nuns beach.  It includes the grassed areas from Bentinck Street down towards the foreshore.

    What will be included in the plan?

    The plan will include a range of recreational facilities.  It will incorporate the replacement of the town jetty, the creation of an all abilities play space and provide pathways and connectivity to the different foreshore elements.  It will also include infrastructure such as lighting, seating, toilets, BBQs, shade and picnic areas.

    What is the aim of the project?

    The project is multifaceted and aims to address the following aspects -  Improve the useability and linkages on the Portland foreshore from the Trawler Wharf to Nun’s Beach. -  Continue the modern improvements included in the Youth Activity Space, a hugely popular project which has improved useability of the area. -  Improve the visitor experience by taking advantage of the vista of the foreshore area, provision of improved playground equipment, upgraded amenities, improved seating and BBQ areas.  A focus is to combine all these elements into an inclusive public space. -  The project will also see job creation in construction and ongoing tourism and business development opportunities. -  An element of the plan will be to provide greater connections to the CBD -  Attraction of more community events/festivals

    - With the use of smart technology, the plan seeks to showcase the Portland foreshores history from its indigenous origins, its role as the European birthplace of Victoria, the train station, Aquarium, sea baths and whaling developments through to the current site it is today.

    How does the All Abilities Play Space fit into the plan?

    The all abilities play space is a sub-element of the Portland Foreshore Plan.  An objective of the Foreshore Plan is to ensure that all the related infrastructure such as pathways, toilets, lighting, seating and parking compliments the playground and the other components along the foreshore.

    What are the project time lines?

    The All Abilities Play space is scheduled to begin detailed design during the 2018/2019 financial year with construction to start soon after that subject to regulatory requirements being finalised.

    The Changing Places toilet facility that is situated on the foreshore has received funding and the work is expected to start in early 2019.

    The associated interconnecting pathways would likely comprise the following stages of the project once funding is secured. 

    The other area that has been given a high priority is the new town jetty.  This is subject to funding being secured.

    When will the works be undertaken?

    The Changing Places toilet facility and the All Abilities Play Space have Council committed funding in the 2018/2019 budget.  Works will start on both of these areas in mid to late 2019 subject to regulatory agreements being finalised. 

    Council is currently investigating funding opportunities for other areas of the Foreshore Master Plan and the commencement of these works will be subject to government funding.  Council funds have been set aside in the 2018/19 Council budget to contribute to implementation of the plan should a successful funding source be achieved.

    What are the project costs?

    The overall concept plan is expected to cost approximately $40m and may take several years to achieve funding and implement.  The initial stages of the Town Jetty ($1.6m) and the All Abilities Play Space ($1.2m) together with the associated infrastructure may be achieved in the shorter term subject to successful funding.

    Who is funding the project?

    Council is seeking both State and Federal funding for the projects.  Indicative funding streams suggest that Council may be required to contribute 50% of the project's costs.  Opportunities for philanthropic contributions are also being explored.  Currently there is no due date for any funding announcements.

    What are the next steps?

    The second stage of consultation was conducted throughout October 2017 with recommendations presented to Council.  Council officers will continue to investigate funding options.  Some elements of the projects such as the Town Jetty and Inclusive Playground are being prepared for detailed design and / or construction to enable prompt commencement should a funding option be achieved.