Portland Foreshore Connecting Pathways

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Consultation has now concluded.  Feedback was considered and Council adopted the amended versions of the policies at its August OCM.

Project Overview

Council has been successful in securing $3 million from The Victorian Government through the Victorian Building Works package to deliver the Portland Foreshore Redevelopment. With council's contribution, $3.5 million has been assigned to The Portland Foreshore Master Plan which will see the design and construction of fully integrated and all abilities accessible pathways, over water boardwalks and town jetty connecting all open space and facilities of the Portland Foreshore. Incorporated in the design is the addition of a pump track to be located near the Youth Precinct area.

Upon completion this will encourage visitation to the Foreshore and improved pedestrian connectivity between Nuns Beach and the Portland Youth Activity Space.

The project will be completed in 2 stages, with stage 1- Youth Precinct Pathways already complete. Up coming include the continuation of hard pathways through to the Portland Yacht Club and safety improvements around the Foreshore such as bollard installation. 

Stage 2 Works Commence

Council is pleased to announce that the contract for Stage 2 of the Portland Foreshore Connecting Pathways project has been awarded. This project, a key part of the Portland Foreshore Master Plan, will see the construction of fully integrated and all abilities accessible pathways and over water boardwalks connecting open space and facilities from the Pulambeet All Abilities Play Space to the existing paths at the Lee Breakwater.

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Stage 2 works are progressing well with the first section of new pathway, from the play space to the carpark to the south of the Yacht Club, complete and already in use by the public. Works are now well underway on the footpath section that runs parallel to Lee Breakwater Road, from the existing footpath to the foreshore access road. 

In addition to these footpath works, the piling works for the two over water boardwalks are due to commence at the start of March. The two boardwalks, one at the carpark north of the Yacht Club and the second at the Visitor Information Centre, are expected to take three months.  

These works will impact availability of the carpark to the north of the Yacht Club. Access to the Town Jetty, boat ramp, public toilets, and Yacht Club will be maintained where possible (subject to safety requirements), but there will be restricted movement through the carpark and parking will be limited. Water side parking spaces will not be available.  

We apologies for any inconvenience these works may cause and request that people take care when visiting the foreshore, avoiding the works wherever possible. 

Drawings of the proposed works have been provided for information in the ‘Concept Design’ panel on the right side of this page.

Boardwalk works due to commence UPDATED

Boardwalk works for the Portland Foreshore Connecting Pathways are due to commence on 16 March 2022. 

For safety reasons, the Town Jetty car park will be closed from the entrance to the far side of the toilets for approximately one month whilst the rock removal and piling works are completed. This will mean there will be no access to the Town Jetty, main parking area and the Boat Ramp South 

The toilets, parking near the Yacht Club and disabled parking near the toilet will still be accessible.
Following completion of the piling works, access to the Town Jetty will again be available. Access to the car park however will be restricted for a further 3 months whilst the boardwalk is being constructed.  

Works on the Visitor Information Centre boardwalk are expected to commence before the end of March. The Visitor Information Centre will still be accessible from the main entrance, Bentinck Street side. Further updates will be provided as works progress. 

We apologise for any inconvenience these works may cause and request that people take care when visiting the foreshore, avoiding the works wherever possible. 

Project Overview

Council has been successful in securing $3 million from The Victorian Government through the Victorian Building Works package to deliver the Portland Foreshore Redevelopment. With council's contribution, $3.5 million has been assigned to The Portland Foreshore Master Plan which will see the design and construction of fully integrated and all abilities accessible pathways, over water boardwalks and town jetty connecting all open space and facilities of the Portland Foreshore. Incorporated in the design is the addition of a pump track to be located near the Youth Precinct area.

Upon completion this will encourage visitation to the Foreshore and improved pedestrian connectivity between Nuns Beach and the Portland Youth Activity Space.

The project will be completed in 2 stages, with stage 1- Youth Precinct Pathways already complete. Up coming include the continuation of hard pathways through to the Portland Yacht Club and safety improvements around the Foreshore such as bollard installation. 

Stage 2 Works Commence

Council is pleased to announce that the contract for Stage 2 of the Portland Foreshore Connecting Pathways project has been awarded. This project, a key part of the Portland Foreshore Master Plan, will see the construction of fully integrated and all abilities accessible pathways and over water boardwalks connecting open space and facilities from the Pulambeet All Abilities Play Space to the existing paths at the Lee Breakwater.

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Stage 2 works are progressing well with the first section of new pathway, from the play space to the carpark to the south of the Yacht Club, complete and already in use by the public. Works are now well underway on the footpath section that runs parallel to Lee Breakwater Road, from the existing footpath to the foreshore access road. 

In addition to these footpath works, the piling works for the two over water boardwalks are due to commence at the start of March. The two boardwalks, one at the carpark north of the Yacht Club and the second at the Visitor Information Centre, are expected to take three months.  

These works will impact availability of the carpark to the north of the Yacht Club. Access to the Town Jetty, boat ramp, public toilets, and Yacht Club will be maintained where possible (subject to safety requirements), but there will be restricted movement through the carpark and parking will be limited. Water side parking spaces will not be available.  

We apologies for any inconvenience these works may cause and request that people take care when visiting the foreshore, avoiding the works wherever possible. 

Drawings of the proposed works have been provided for information in the ‘Concept Design’ panel on the right side of this page.

Boardwalk works due to commence UPDATED

Boardwalk works for the Portland Foreshore Connecting Pathways are due to commence on 16 March 2022. 

For safety reasons, the Town Jetty car park will be closed from the entrance to the far side of the toilets for approximately one month whilst the rock removal and piling works are completed. This will mean there will be no access to the Town Jetty, main parking area and the Boat Ramp South 

The toilets, parking near the Yacht Club and disabled parking near the toilet will still be accessible.
Following completion of the piling works, access to the Town Jetty will again be available. Access to the car park however will be restricted for a further 3 months whilst the boardwalk is being constructed.  

Works on the Visitor Information Centre boardwalk are expected to commence before the end of March. The Visitor Information Centre will still be accessible from the main entrance, Bentinck Street side. Further updates will be provided as works progress. 

We apologise for any inconvenience these works may cause and request that people take care when visiting the foreshore, avoiding the works wherever possible. 

  • Consultation has now concluded.  Feedback was considered and Council adopted the amended versions of the policies at its August OCM.

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