Portland All Abilities Play Space

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Consultation has concluded, progress can be view on our Portland Foreshore Redevelopment page.

Play equipment Portland Foreshore

Portland All Abilities Play Space

The All Abilities Play Space to be situated on the Portland Foreshore will be a focal point for families. The Play Space will incorporate diverse elements of play with the importance of accessibility a strong focus.

The Play Space is to be located adjacent to a Changing Places Facility which is currently out for tender and a new car park incorporating allocated disabled car parking spaces.

Community Engagement Outcomes

During 2016, the local community submitted a petition supporting the development of an inclusive Playspace and the momentum and support has snowballed ever since.

Extensive community consultation has resulted in the development of a Playspace Concept Plan for the Portland All Abilities Playground.

The consultation encouraged creative ideas and constructive discussion from stakeholders, community groups and children. The methods used allowed for open responses, receiving a broad range of comments, ideas and suggestions.

Justin Staggard was appointed to design the Concept Plan for the inclusive Playspace based on the input from the community consultation sessions and discussions with the key stakeholders. The concept plan was revised following this feedback and a second consultation phase occurred in October 2017, seeking further community input to ensure that the proposed facility will meet the community needs and desires

An updated concept plan is provided in the document library.

Key aspects of the concept plan include

  • A contained and safe environment containing immersive and unique playground experiences suitable for a wide range of abilities.

  • Inclusion of sensory sand and water play components

  • A combination of sheltered and grassland for picnics and BBQs

  • A themed walking experiences throughout the playground

  • Close proximity to accessible toilets

  • Accessible travel options to a range of access points

Where to from here?

The feedback from the second public consultation session was presented to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting in February. At this meeting Council resolved to undertake some minor alterations to the concept plan based on the feedback provided and to finalise the design for the Inclusive Playground to enable construction to commence in 2018 or early 2019.

Portland All Abilities Play Space

The All Abilities Play Space to be situated on the Portland Foreshore will be a focal point for families. The Play Space will incorporate diverse elements of play with the importance of accessibility a strong focus.

The Play Space is to be located adjacent to a Changing Places Facility which is currently out for tender and a new car park incorporating allocated disabled car parking spaces.

Community Engagement Outcomes

During 2016, the local community submitted a petition supporting the development of an inclusive Playspace and the momentum and support has snowballed ever since.

Extensive community consultation has resulted in the development of a Playspace Concept Plan for the Portland All Abilities Playground.

The consultation encouraged creative ideas and constructive discussion from stakeholders, community groups and children. The methods used allowed for open responses, receiving a broad range of comments, ideas and suggestions.

Justin Staggard was appointed to design the Concept Plan for the inclusive Playspace based on the input from the community consultation sessions and discussions with the key stakeholders. The concept plan was revised following this feedback and a second consultation phase occurred in October 2017, seeking further community input to ensure that the proposed facility will meet the community needs and desires

An updated concept plan is provided in the document library.

Key aspects of the concept plan include

  • A contained and safe environment containing immersive and unique playground experiences suitable for a wide range of abilities.

  • Inclusion of sensory sand and water play components

  • A combination of sheltered and grassland for picnics and BBQs

  • A themed walking experiences throughout the playground

  • Close proximity to accessible toilets

  • Accessible travel options to a range of access points

Where to from here?

The feedback from the second public consultation session was presented to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting in February. At this meeting Council resolved to undertake some minor alterations to the concept plan based on the feedback provided and to finalise the design for the Inclusive Playground to enable construction to commence in 2018 or early 2019.

Guest Book

Add a comment, suggestion, idea or opinion about the All Abilities Play Space. 

Consultation has concluded, progress can be view on our Portland Foreshore Redevelopment page.

Will this playground be a dog free area or have dog free areas? I understand that the new play area will be secure but there is a problem at the current play area. People allow their dogs off their leads and the dogs come into and onto the play area. Not a problem if you have older children but we have had to leave the play area with our 2 year old grandson because of unrestrained dogs.

I love the idea from 'Kirby' about the bike tracks with lights. There was similar in a park in Workshop St, Ipswich Qld. There were so many children there riding bikes, respecting the rules & traffic lights. It was great for very young children learning to ride (scooters, toddler trikes, bikes) as the tracks were fairly level. That would be a fantastic addition!!

Sarah T about 5 years ago

At Glenelg , Adelaide they have a red heart frame that two can sit in ( this could be spinning fun as well ) , if this is located with views to the Marina/Harbour and signed posted #iamportland. The photos will be a keepsake and forever advertise Portland as it is posted around the world

LeeAnne about 5 years ago

I’d really like to see some fenced play spaces. Cars drive so fast past the park and it’s always a worry that children may run on the road. We have an autistic child and this is a big reason why we don’t go to the foreshore often.

Jessica about 5 years ago

I believe a bike track for young children with road signs, markings, crossing, roundabouts etc would be beneficial for our community so children can have a safe place to practice riding their bikes or scooters, explore and learn road rules.

Kirby about 5 years ago