Narrawong, Dutton Way and Allestree Strategic Framework Plan

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Have Your Say on future land use and development planning!

Glenelg Shire Council is committed to supporting the future of Narrawong, Dutton Way, and Allestree by fostering sustainable communities through the development of a Strategic Framework Plan for these areas. The Narrawong, Dutton Way, and Allestree Framework Plan will be a comprehensive planning framework that outlines the future planning and development of the area to 2040.

The aim of the framework plan is to:

  • Vision: Communicate a desired future for Narrawong, Dutton Way, and Allestree.

  • Land Use and Investment Guidance: Provide direction on land use, including insights into suitable investment opportunities within these areas.

  • Design and Built Form: Offer guidance on building design, outlining preferred built forms and design principles that align with the vision for the areas.

  • Landscape Themes: Provide guidance for landscaping within streets, reserves, and private gardens.

  • Gateway Design / Entrance Treatments: Recommend approaches for designing entrance points and gateways, suggesting treatments that make a positive visual impact and reflect the vision for Narrawong, Dutton Way, and Allestree.

The Framework Plan will serve as a tool to manage, influence, and facilitate change in line with planning policy directions. It will respond to increased community interest in long-term planning and future opportunities.

Have Your Say on future land use and development planning!

Glenelg Shire Council is committed to supporting the future of Narrawong, Dutton Way, and Allestree by fostering sustainable communities through the development of a Strategic Framework Plan for these areas. The Narrawong, Dutton Way, and Allestree Framework Plan will be a comprehensive planning framework that outlines the future planning and development of the area to 2040.

The aim of the framework plan is to:

  • Vision: Communicate a desired future for Narrawong, Dutton Way, and Allestree.

  • Land Use and Investment Guidance: Provide direction on land use, including insights into suitable investment opportunities within these areas.

  • Design and Built Form: Offer guidance on building design, outlining preferred built forms and design principles that align with the vision for the areas.

  • Landscape Themes: Provide guidance for landscaping within streets, reserves, and private gardens.

  • Gateway Design / Entrance Treatments: Recommend approaches for designing entrance points and gateways, suggesting treatments that make a positive visual impact and reflect the vision for Narrawong, Dutton Way, and Allestree.

The Framework Plan will serve as a tool to manage, influence, and facilitate change in line with planning policy directions. It will respond to increased community interest in long-term planning and future opportunities.

  • 9 July 2024

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    Community Session Dates Postponed

    Council have received a request from key stakeholders for more time to review and provide comment on the draft plan. As a result we have postponed the scheduled community sessions to August. As soon as new dates are secured, we will provide further update via the Your Say Glenelg project page, Glenelg Shire Website and Council social media.